Inadequacy is the opposite of proficiency and states the lack of the necessary elements, goods and supplies that are necessary to achieve our purpose.
For everyday practice, we are all planning our moves precisely by avoiding the inadequacy precisely because we know that this will result in our goal not being achieved. But in the field of living and effective faith the concept of inadequacy is totally connected with life or death.
While on a journey by car the fuel shortage can be covered in an indirect way at the time of need, in the case of living faith, the Grand Master has clarified that the deficiency leads to death. I may think that my good intention and love for life is sufficient evidence for my safe journey to life, but the Master himself has left no room for any other interpretation.
Anyone who does not have the necessary supplies, such as the parade of the ten virgins, does not achieve the goal regardless of the authenticity of his love for God and his perseverance of beating the closed door afterwards.