An experiment is called the effort to prove that something is actually happening and I prove it through repeated confirmations.
The experience that I gain as I try something, leads an experiment of any initial failures to the ultimate success.
And we all know that our everyday life is now more and more framed by data that have not only experienced a long experimental process, such as health, safety, etc, but even after successful experiments, there are efforts for improvement through continuous observation and testing new data. This is how mankind has been going through the 20th century.
Every day without understanding it, we ourselves experiment with thousands of things and in the end we follow the conclusion that we think can satisfy our demands.
This happens in driving our car, and in thousands of other habits that require our own personal responsibility.
So, it’s a very good question why when we come to the issues of faith in the living God, suddenly the experiment, the test, every effort to extract safe conclusions, is not only excluded from our individual and personal spiritual system but we are rushing to throw to the fire every effort to improve the tools and methods of exercising our faith.