Our attempt to increase in size and number the portions of our possessions is within our nature. We all want an increase in our property, in our mobile and valued goods, and we fight every day for that. How much can you withstand the increase in your mobile and real estate assets?
There is no precise answer because a question of this kind can never be asked, that is, how much you want to increase your wealth. So, as the increase of my everyday goods is unlimited, in the matters of faith we do not seek indefinite horizons, but on the contrary we set narrowly confined limits. Our soul is starving, but we ignore the signs of poverty, we neglect them as childish indulgences and end up with many mental vacuums of faith and efficiency. And while it is obvious that no matter how much everyday goods are increasing, in the end we have the same needs as in the beginning, we still do not invest in the future alongside everyday life.
The right attitude is to move my boundless horizon into increasing my share of faith, by rationalizing the horizon of my natural needs and goods that I gather, because that way my quality of life is upgraded today and a portion of my future is credited as well.