There is no contemporary Greek who does not understand the concept of profit and loss, regardless of the profession they are practicing. Profit is a measurable parameter and we mean, as a rule, the economic profit translated into euros.
Correspondingly goes the concept of loss, meaning the loss of existing profits. But it is not just the existing profits and goods that are being damaged. There is also the expected profit, what I could get and I did not get. Then the loss is not only of money but it is a loss of courage, since my attempt failed.
We all know that this last element, the loss of courage and trust, is a detrimental factor because it leads to frustration, condemns us to inaction, gradually removes optimism from our lives, sluggishness replaces activity, and ultimately not only there are no profits, but the soil is also cultivated for long-term desolation and disaster.
In the life of faith, these parameters not only apply as they do in the case of commercial gains or losses, but because stakes are not only ephemeral but also eternal and irreplaceable goods, their deprivation provides the next generations with a negative sign and a low starting point . And what our people live today is the X-ray of this truth.