At the beginning of the twenty-first century, food supplements are increasingly catching up with the Western European and American markets – and not only that, but their demand from people is rising considerably.
It is obvious that these products, mainly compounds of various elements of the food we eat daily, help and contribute to the well-being and better balance of the human body and each person chooses the combinations that meet their personal and individual needs.
This lesson, the effort of all of us to improve our nutrition supplements in order to have a better day to day life, is important as an argument for the life of faith, since this life needs its own supplements, its own nutritional balances, and every person while examining themselves, is called to cover each of their organic needs of faith. Others need power, others need patience, and this is something that only the individual knows. And the decision to take any food or any supplement of the mental diet is totally personal.
Christ advises but does not force. God indicates and teaches, but the decision and responsibility of our actions is always and exclusively personal and individual.