Every time we drink we usually say “Cheers”. It is a historical phrase with the purpose of wishing that what we drink and what we eat contribute to our good health.
And this good habit is proof that the first thing everyone wants is their health, because everything else is inferior. This means that we prioritize the health status of our body, placing it above all other values, because we have the experience that if we are not well in our health, the rest of what we have are useless. This personal finding is the starting point to think about and the value of the health of our inner world, the soul and the spirit of a person.
And if for our perishable body we have more than just wishes to offer, like the experience and knowledge in choosing good foods that will contribute to our health, then we should definitely acquire knowledge and experience in choosing good foods that will contribute to the health of our inner person, and not remain to the wishes during feasts, a mentality that many people have; to live in wishes and expectations, without advancing our knowledge and experience of improving our inner person, the part of our personality that has value after the date of our burial.