Our everyday life is full of obligations and rewards, because of our choices and their reward. And the responsibility of the choices contains two elements. First, knowing the existence of options along with the content of options and second, my decision about which option.
For both of these issues the responsibility is personal. Nobody decides for us. We decide and choose. No one else. It is easy to take responsibility for others but it is very difficult for us to personally assume the responsibilities of our choices and our actions. But that is the truth, and the more we accept it, the more we take responsibility for our choices and actions, the more mature we become, the more experienced and wiser we become, and the more effective.
This distinguishes the living from the dead. The living are called upon to make decisions and choose, the living are judged, the living and active people participate in life and in making decisions and choices. And all of us make our decisions according to our personal knowledge and judgment. And as long as we live we have room to change and improve both our knowledge and judgment.