In the modern world, having things and wanting even more, is normal. And that’s healthy, as we use legitimate methods to increase our wealth or glory. The problem starts when what I get, either in fame or in money and material goods, is not something I actually need and probably adds problems to my life instead of solving them.
While I pretend it’s something I need, in fact this need is in my imagination and the satisfaction of this need does not contribute to my happiness but to my misery. So the question to each of us is; how much do I need in order to be happy? And the answer obviously is personal.
Self-sufficiency is the opposite of greed.
To feel comfortable with what I have does not mean I will not get more. The question is in which areas and with what methods this increase will be made. In any case, my personal happiness and my personal joy and peace must not be sacrificed on the altar of any new conquest.
The wealth in my inner world is not only a guarantee of balance and conquest of values, but also a way to manage my everyday life simpler and safer.