Although the modern picture of life does not include springs and rivers in our daily routine, since water is now running through the faucets of our house, we all know that the source is the point from which water comes out and it has some characteristics.
First it does not stop and it does not end shortly. Second, it’s always fresh, lively, cool. Third, it is clear of any factor that would not want us to drink clean water. Fourth, it is free. Fifth, we can choose from which source to drink; from a source with limited water or from a source of abundant water. Sixth, we can look, try, and reject. Seventh, it does not change place.
And finally, no one can interrupt the exit of water from the source, as opposed to the tap where not only if we have not paid the bill but also if someone maliciously and arbitrarily wants to deprive us of the basic and necessary good for our life or if the water transport system has been damaged or has been completely destroyed. And it is obvious that this is not a plumbing and domestic economy lesson.